W/O B [without borders]とは?
"I feel we are heading toward an era of chaos, but the individuals who are truly aware will be able to overcome this chaos,"
「時代はカオスに向かっているが、それに気づいている個人はこのカオスを乗り越えられる」大袈裟太郎(AP通信 2016年12月31日)
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W/O B is an Okinawa based project organized by documentarist/ rapper, Oogesataro.
We are a group of professionals who think and take actions beyond the borders of races, ethnicity, genders, politics, languages and cultures.
We try to combine values which have been divided. Our goal is to re-define the world from various perspectives and refresh the mood of the era.
W/O B, through the chaos, creates ideas and produces items to survive the era.
"I feel we are heading toward an era of chaos, but the individuals who are truly aware will be able to overcome this chaos."
Oogesataro told AP on 31 December, 2016
Beyond the "borders", we will be releasing photo/ video collections, zines and clothing.